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Paint Your Soul consists of original scores entirely written and performed by Jill Mattson.


The collection features angelic vocals as well as techniques drawn from Ancient Mystery Schools that employ sound to expand the listener’s mind and heart energy.


The Fibonacci Tones


The Fibonacci series of numbers (found in the geometries of solar systems, plants, seashells, the human body, and in some of the world’s most loved art and architecture) has also been converted into musical form in Paint Your Soul.


The Fibonacci numbers (or sound frequencies – where music is concerned), when graphed, reveal a spiral pattern (Nautilus shell). In contrast, graphs of analogous notes in Western music create a circle. Many ancient traditions held that listening to the "spiral" pattern of sound "quickens" the listener’s soul, enabling it to rise closer to God and enlightenment.


Paint Your Soul uses tuning forks to produce the pure Fibonacci tones of this spiral pattern. This creates a sound, which according to ancient traditions, carves a pathway into the listener’s consciousness elevating him spiritually and creating brain wave patterns that can expand consciousness.


Many mystics and some scientists agree that numerical patterns found in nature when converted to frequencies are beneficial to us. Leonardo De Pisa, (who lived approximately 1180 - 1240 AD) better known as Fibonacci, observed principles found in musical harmony were organized according to that of branching, flowering and spiraling patterns in nature. The numerical pattern he observed was the Fibonacci series of numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55... unto infinity. (Adding any two adjacent numbers will give you the next number in the series.)


The ratio of neighboring Fibonacci numbers approaches phi (1.618). These ratios are found in our bodies, the spiral of a seashell and in billions of stars in distant galaxies. Nature loves this pattern, as it uses it again and again! Intervals within major chords that are abundant in music approximate the Fibonacci numbers 1, 3, 5 and 8. The next number in the Fibonacci series is 13. When the 8th and 13th tones are played together, they create the 8/13th interval. The 8/13th interval is believed by some to harmonize and thereby raise our consciousness and precipitate mankind's next evolutionary step.


Paint Your Soul uses the Fibonacci frequencies, including the 8/13 interval. One does not hear the exact Fibonacci frequencies in our music today, because the frequencies are in between our smallest intervals in the musical scale that we use. The Paint Your Soul CD creates the pure tones of this spiral pattern by using tuning forks designed to create these frequencies.


The Solfeggio Tones


The musical elements in Paint Your Soul include numerical sound frequencies encoded in the Bible (Numbers 7:12-83). Horowitz and Puelo published a book (Healing Codes of the Biblical Apocalypse) revealing these Biblical frequencies, called the "Solfeggio Tones." These powerful tones were secretly encoded in the Bible for safekeeping until the right time arrived for their unveiling.


Ancient clairvoyant could see someone’s aura light up, whenever they listened to this pattern of frequencies, called the Solfeggio tones. They could see in plain sight – the healing power – on a multitude of levels of these special frequencies. As people lost clairvoyant vision, they were encoded in the Bible to insure their safekeeping through the ages. These tones sparkle throughout the Paint your Soul CD.


The numerical pattern of the Solfeggio tones was incomplete, as evidenced by unfinished numerical sequences. The fully completed series, 18 tones, translated into musical tones using tuning forks, is contained in Paint Your Soul CD.


Shekina Rose, a channeler, reported that the solfeggio tones were the "original sound code frequencies of creation" used by the ancient Egyptians, Hawthors, in Lemuria and Atlantis and in the Gregorian chants.


Some kings’ chambers in Egyptian pyramids resonate with a solfeggio tone. Secret writings revealed that initiates conducted out-of-body meditations in these ideal vibratory spots.

Solfeggio Tone Benefits

  • Frequency 396: Turn grief into joy. Liberates energy and eliminates hidden blockages/subconscious negative beliefs
  • Frequency 417: Connects to Source. Liberates energy and eliminates hidden blockages/subconscious negative beliefs
  • Frequency 528: Repair DNA. It facilitates transformation and miracles. Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used to repair broken DNA, the genetic blueprint upon which life is based.6
  • Frequency 639: Connect to Spiritual Family. Creates harmony in relationships
  • Frequency 741: Solve Problems & Increase Intuition. Empowers self-expression and authenticity. Harmonizes and links the mind, body, consciousness and spiritual energies
  • Frequency 852: Return to Spiritual Family. Harmonizes and links the mind, body, consciousness and spiritual energies.


Solfeggio History


Horowitz and Puleo found the Solfeggio frequencies encoded in verses in Numbers 7:12 - 89 in the Bible.7 These numbers were converted to tones. Horowitz and Puleo associated them with a solfeggio scale used in the Middle Ages.


Many secrets of the Bible were plainly preserved in numbering patterns, and not just this passage. There are many secret codes within numeric patterns in a broad range of religious texts. For example, Michael Hayes revealed that the numerical organization of the ancient I Ching reflects the organization of amino acids in DNA.

Paint your Soul CD - Physical Copy


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