What is a Sound & Light Machine?
Since ancient times man observed that flickering lights and rhythmic sounds often produced a relaxed state of mind. Around 200 A.D. the astronomer Ptolemy noted that when a person looked toward the sun through the spokes of a spinning wheel, the flickering sunlight caused patterns and colors to appear and produce a feeling of euphoria, even though the eyes of the observer were closed.
Modern scientific research has verified this phenomenon: the brain tends to assume the rhythms of a flashing light stimulus, known as the frequency following effect. Scientists have also shown that certain states of consciousness tend to be associated with certain brainwave patterns. For example, when we are in a deeply relaxed state of mind our brainwaves emit an electrical frequency of 4–8 Hz per second.
The basic idea behind light and sound technology is that the gentle pulses of light can lead one to the state of mind associated with that particular frequency range. The various pre-programmed “sessions” found in the Galaxy can be used for different purposes, including meditation, stress reduction, accelerated learning, restful sleep, increased creativity, and goal setting.
In actuality, we continually receive stimuli that affect our mental state, whether it’s music, TV, the internet, or the spoken word. When one begins to understand their moods and performance states are really a reflection of their mental states, then adjusting that state in a conscious fashion seems the natural thing to do.
The beneficial effects of light and sound have been clinically tested and verified for over 50 years. Many physicians, mental health professionals, and educators routinely use devices like the Galaxy to help their clients. With gentle pulses of light and sound, you can attune your mind to a desired state at the touch of a button.
Brainwaves of short amplitude and very rapid pulsations of 14–30 cycles per second (Hertz or Hz). This pattern is optimal for intense mental activities such as calculations, linear logical analyses, and other highly structured functions.
Characterized by a slightly larger amplitude of 9–13 Hz, this pattern typically occurs in daydreaming, relaxed awareness, guided or focused imagery, and smoothly rhythmic athletic activity. Serotonin production is increased and there is often a euphoric, effortless feeling of “flow” as the doer is absorbed in an activity.
Brainwave patterns that are more ragged and irregular, in the 4–8 Hz range. This pattern is associated with deep unconscious imagery, and thus creativity, as the person drops into a state of drowsiness and near-sleep.
Pulsations that range between 1–3 Hz. In this range of profound relaxation, images and dreams have largely subsided, as the person slides into a state of slow-wave restorative sleep. Meditators who remain aware during this state of near unconsciousness report tranquility and peace.
Galaxy Light & Sound System
30 sessions. Easy to use. Affordable.
- 30 pre-set programs.
- 1-30 Hz manual control capability
- Entertainment program randomly generates light and sound frequencies — never the same twice!
- Audio Strobe compatible
- Adjustable light intensity and volume
- Start and Pause buttons
- Stereo sound with adjustable pitch
- External audio input
- Powered by three AA batteries (over 50 hours of battery life)
The Galaxy Includes:
- Control unit
- Lite Frames
- Headphones
- Stereo adapter cable
- 30-page User’s Guide
- Carrying case
- 3 AA batteries