Echoes of God
The Light Gene
Echoes of God ~ The Light Gene
Encoded in Human DNA is a “GOD GENE”
Jill Mattson has long studied the dynamic relationship between Vibrational Frequencies and their impacts on the human body. Motivated by Dean Hammer’s book, “The God Gene.” Mattson has compiled compositions containing the frequencies of the actual God Gene (VMAT2), which are linked to advanced spirituality. The god gene is found in deeply and powerfully spiritual people, like the Dalai Lama
Did you know that specific frequencies can penetrate your cells and resonate with your unique genetic code? Just listen and achieve a deep spiritual resonance of body and soul with the Echoes of God ~The Light Gene.
Sharry Edwards of Sound Health Options developed the expertise to capture frequencies of the God Gene and generously shares them with us. Listen to the God Gene – embedded in exquisite music!
Scientists at Helsinki University proved that music alters our genes. Scientists took blood samples before and after people heard Mozart’s music. Music affects human RNA. Does that mean it affects the core of our biology?[i] This isn’t surprising when one considers that genes are energy like everything else. Genes vibrate, resonate, and combine with other energy as everything else does. Like everything else, RNA and DNA are vibratory energy influenced by resonance.
[i] https://www.mic.com/articles/112898/an-incredible-study-just-proved-that-listening-to-music-actually-affects-your-genes
70 minutes of music, 18 songs!
Happy Places 4:14 minutes, Heaven’s Call 4:56 minutes, Always 2:09 minutes, New Day 3:27 minutes, Broken Chords 4:35 minutes, Child of God 7:35 minutes, My Soul 6:03 minutes, Journey of the Sun 3:02 minutes, Song of the Valley 3:35 minutes, Edge of the Midst 4:07 minutes, Fairy Forest 2:05 minutes, Faded Roses 3:42 minutes, Skipping Stones 2:56 minutes, Peace to You 4:30 minutes, Inner Child 3:00 minutes, River Ride 3:28 minutes, Sunrise 5:17 minutes, Happy and Free 1:22 minutes